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Why are so Many Americans Moving to Mallorca: Discover the Island Dream

This blog will explore what makes Mallorca so attractive to Americans and what steps you can take to make this dream a reality. 

Why are so Many Americans Moving to Mallorca: Discover the Island Dream

This blog will explore what makes Mallorca so attractive to Americans and what steps you can take to make this dream a reality. 


Ever find yourself daydreaming about leaving the hustle and bustle of the American dream for something a bit more…Mediterranean? You’re not alone! The Spanish island of Mallorca has become a hotspot—literally and figuratively—for Americans looking to swap skyscrapers for sandcastles. 

So, the million-dollar question—or should we say, the million-euro question—is, why are so many Americans moving to Mallorca? This blog will explore what makes Mallorca so attractive to Americans and what steps you can take to make this dream a reality. 

The Allure of Moving to Mallorca

For an increasing number of Americans, Mallorca is much more than a dreamy vacation spot; it’s the new place to call home. And we’re not just talking about retirees or digital nomads. Families, young professionals, and even some celebrities are making the move. So, what’s the magnet pulling them across the Atlantic?

The Mediterranean Lifestyle

Firstly, let’s talk lifestyle. Say goodbye to the corporate grind that leaves you feeling burnt out. In Mallorca, a healthy work-life balance is prioritized. Here you can wrap up your workday with a leisurely sip of local wine while watching the sun dip below the horizon. Stress? Never heard of it.

Natural Beauty

The island’s diverse landscapes offer something for everyone. Whether you’re into hiking the rugged Tramuntana Mountains, sailing the blue Balearic waters, or just lounging on a pristine beach, Mallorca has plenty of activities regardless of your interests.

Cultural Richness

But it’s not just about good views and fine weather. The cultural scene here is rich and diverse. From art galleries to music festivals and even historical sites dating back to Roman times, there’s always something to stimulate your mind.

Gastronomic Delights

Let’s not forget about the food. Mallorca is a paradise for foodies, offering a range of culinary experiences, from traditional tapas bars to Michelin-star restaurants. There’s something to enjoy for all types of palates.

Why are so Many Americans Moving to Mallorca: The Great Exodus

According to data from Spain’s National Statistics Institute, the number of Americans residing in Mallorca has increased significantly in the past five years. We’re seeing a mix of professionals, digital nomads, and entire families making the move.

The growth isn’t accidental; the U.S. expat community in the Balearic Islands has grown by approximately 37% since 20171. This increase is partly fueled by the rise in remote work, allowing people to work from anywhere. Additionally, more American companies are setting up satellite offices in Mallorca, providing job opportunities for those interested in making the move.

But work isn’t the only factor. The quality of life in Mallorca is a significant draw. The average life expectancy here is 83 years, three years more than in the U.S. Crime rates here are low, the education system is robust, and the Mediterranean climate is a significant plus.

How to Move to Mallorca: A Step-by-Step Guid

infographic how to move to mallorca

Alright, so you’re sold on the Mallorcan dream. But before you start packing, there are a few things to get sorted.

1. Find the right visa

Before you jet off, there are some legal hurdles you need to jump through. The kind of visa you need will depend on your unique situation. Are you retiring, working remotely, or planning to find a job in Spain? Each scenario has its own set of rules. Here are the top visas you can apply for:

And here’s a tip: An immigration lawyer can be a lifesaver here. They’ll guide you through the paperwork maze so you don’t hit a dead-end.

2. Find a Home Sweet Home

Renting or buying? That’s your next hurdle. If you’re new and not yet committed, renting might be your best bet. However, if you’re all in, buying can be a savvy investment. Depending on what residence permit you choose, it may or may not be mandatory to have proof of address at the time of application. Make sure you’re up to date with the requirements. An experienced immigration lawyer can help with this!

3. Healthcare: Don’t Skip This

Spain offers solid public healthcare, but if you are not going to work in Spain and be covered under the Spanish Social Security System, you should hire private healthcare insurance. In fact, it is a requirement for most residence permit applications. Your health isn’t an area to skimp on, so research your options.

4. Get an NIE

The NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is your go-to identification number if you’re a foreigner living in Spain. It serves the same purpose as the DNI does for Spanish citizens. This isn’t just a random number; you’ll need it for almost everything official you do in Spain. 

Whether you’re opening a bank account or getting medical insurance, the NIE is the first thing you’ll be asked for. So, if you’re planning to move to Spain or stay there for an extended period, make getting your NIE a top priority. 

5. Get your TIE

The TIE is your official residency card in Spain, complete with your photo and residency type. This is different from the NIE, which is your administrative ID number. Both are important, but they’re not the same. The TIE proves you can legally stay, while the NIE helps with tasks like banking.

6. Schooling: A+ Options

Moving with a family? Schooling is a major factor. Mallorca has its fair share of educational institutions. Public schools are an option if your kids speak Spanish or are up for the challenge of learning quickly. Private and international schools offer curricula in English and often follow American or British educational systems.

The Financial Side: Is Mallorca Expensive?

The big question is – will moving to Mallorca have you counting your pennies? The answer, my friends is, in some ways yes, and in some ways no. While Mallorca isn’t as pricey as let’s say, New York or San Francisco, it’s not exactly a budget destination either2.


The rent varies based on location and apartment size, but for a standard two-bedroom place in a decent neighborhood, you’re looking at €1,000 to €1,500 per month.


Utilities are another point to consider. For a standard two-bedroom apartment, you’re typically looking at €150 to €200 per month in utility bills. That covers your electric, gas, and water needs.


Essential expenses like groceries can be quite affordable. You’re looking at about €50 to €70 per week if you stick to local markets. As for dining out, the cost ranges from €15 to €40 per person, depending on how fancy you want to get.


And let’s not forget transportation. If you prefer public transit, a monthly pass goes from €30 to €50. But if you’re more of a car person, keep in mind that gas can get pricey. We’re talking €1.30 to €1.50 per liter, which quickly adds up if you’re doing a lot of island hopping.

Private Health Insurance

While Spain has an excellent public healthcare system, some expats opt for private health insurance, which can cost between €50 and €200 per month, depending on the coverage.

Additional Costs

Don’t forget the smaller, yet still significant, expenses like mobile phone bills, which can be around €20-€40 per month, internet at around €40 per month, and perhaps a gym membership, costing about €30-€60 per month.

So, to sum it up: moving to Mallorca is not for the faint of wallet, but it’s also not going to break the bank. If you manage your finances wisely, you can enjoy a comfortable and perhaps even a luxurious lifestyle here.

Challenges and Considerations of Moving to Mallorca

Visa application to move to Mallorca

As much as we’d love to paint a picture of pure paradise, we’ve got to give you the full scoop. After all, even the most picturesque landscapes come with some trials and tribulations. So let’s get real and discuss some challenges and considerations.

Language Barrier

The official language is Catalan, but most locals also speak Spanish. While many people do speak English, especially in the tourism sector, a lack of Spanish skills could be a drawback in social and professional settings.

Cost of Living

We touched on this before, but seriously, the island life can add up. From imported goods to occasional tourism surcharges, you’ll need a well-planned budget. Don’t let the relaxed Mediterranean vibes lull you into financial complacency.

Property Prices

Ah, that sea-view apartment isn’t going to come cheap. In Palma, for example, the average price per square meter can exceed €3,000. And if you’re looking at luxury properties, well, the sky—or your credit limit—is the limit.

Seasonal Tourism

Mallorca is a popular tourist destination. During peak tourism seasons, your peaceful local beach could transformed into a sardine can of sunburnt tourists. So, if you’re someone who values solitude or hates long lines at your favorite café, the tourism season can be a bit of a mood killer.


You thought your American DMV was a hassle? Try navigating the maze of Spanish administrative processes. From NIE numbers to empadronamientos, you’ll have a full bingo card of terms to deal with. Keep a stash of patience handy.

Missing Home

Sure, Mallorca has burgers and streaming services to watch American shows, but nothing can truly replace that feeling of home. Whether it’s your local baseball team, American holidays like Thanksgiving, or even just a simple diner breakfast—some things are irreplaceable.

Frequently Asked Questions about Moving to Mallorca

Do I need to know Spanish or Catalan to live comfortably?

While it’s not a must, learning the local language can significantly enhance your experience and ease day-to-day interactions. Especially when it comes to making friends with locals and fully integrating into the community.

Can I work in Mallorca as an American citizen?

You can, but you’ll need to secure the appropriate work visa. Spain has strict employment laws, so make sure you’re all buttoned up before you clock in.

How does healthcare work?

Spain has an excellent public healthcare system, but many expats opt for private health insurance. In fact, for certain residence permits it is a requirement to have private health insurance. So be sure to research the requirements for your particular visa when moving to Mallorca. Or, ask your immigration lawyer!

What about taxes?

Ah, the unavoidable reality. You’ll be subject to Spanish taxes on your worldwide income but fret not, there are bilateral agreements to avoid double taxation.

How good are the local schools?

Mallorca offers a range of educational options, including international schools that follow the American curriculum. So, no worries here –your kids will be set up for success.

Where do American expats live in Mallorca?

American expats often gravitate towards Palma, the capital city, or coastal towns like Sóller and Pollença. These areas offer a mix of local culture and international amenities.

Is it expensive to live in Mallorca compared to the US?

The cost of living can vary widely depending on where you’re coming from in the US and what your lifestyle is like. However, expect some things to be more expensive due to island life and the Euro conversion.


So, why are so many Americans moving to Mallorca? The answer is simple: It’s a mix of lifestyle, cost, and opportunity. Sure, it has its challenges, but the island offers a fresh start for those seeking a different rhythm of life. 

Think of Mallorca as America’s European home away from home, offering the best of both worlds. If you’re an American eyeing a new life chapter, Mallorca might just be the setting for your next chapter in life.

Can Lexidy Help Me Move to Mallorca?

You’re not alone on this adventure; Lexidy is here to make your American dream in Mallorca a reality. From untangling the messy threads of immigration laws to helping you figure out your new tax obligations, we’re your one-stop shop for all things legal. And because we know the ins and outs of Spanish bureaucracy like the back of our hand, you can focus on what truly matters—enjoying your new life in Mallorca.

Ready to make the move? Fill in the form below and let’s get this journey started!

  1. Instituto Nacional de Estadística ↩︎
  2. Numbeo, Cost of Living in Palma de Mallorca ↩︎

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