
Category: Golden Visa

spain and portugal flags

Golden Visa Spain vs Portugal Comparison Guide

This comparison guide will take you through the ins and outs of the Spanish and Portuguese Golden Visa schemes, arming you with the right knowledge to pick one that suits your unique circumstances.

Relocating to Greece As An American?

Relocating to Greece As An American? Beauty, climate and lifestyle aside, you ought to consider several Greek tax points, and general recommendations before you go. 

Greece Visa News: Guide To the Best Golden Visa In Europe

Want Greece visa news on the cradle of the Western world?

Want to move to Greece, decorated with historical ruins like badges of honor, surrounded by gentle lapping turquoise waters, and celebrated as the birthplace of democracy?

Portugal Golden Visa News: April 2023 Updates

The April 2023 new wording is a significant win for opponents of the proposed changes.

In sum, the final proposed version of the Portuguese Golden Visa will not include the retroactive application of a new rule that demands 183 days per year of physical presence in Portugal…


Portugal Nomad Visa and Remote Work Visa: 2023 UPDATES

The end of the Golden Visa, which offered residency by way of property purchase, is completely unrelated to Portugal’s remote work visas. And while the Golden Visa program is being cancelled, the international community there is alive and thriving. Expats can and will continue to relocate to Portugal for all it has to offer.

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