Company Formation in Greece

Get help Incorporating your company in Greece with our Team of Expert Lawyers.

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How can a lawyer help with Company formation in Greece?

A lawyer can assist you with company formation in Greece in several ways. Here are some examples:

Choosing the right business structure: A lawyer can help you determine the appropriate business structure for starting a company in Greece, such as a limited liability company, a sole proprietorship, or a partnership, based on your needs and goals.

Registering your company: A lawyer can guide you through the process of registering your company with the relevant authorities in Greece, such as the Commercial Registry or the Tax Office.

Drafting legal documents: A lawyer can draft legal documents for your company formation in Greece, such as articles of association, shareholder agreements, and employment contracts.

Compliance: A lawyer can advise you on legal requirements and regulations applicable to your business in Greece, such as labor laws, data protection laws, and tax laws, and help you comply with them.

Representation: A lawyer can represent you in negotiations with suppliers, customers, and other parties, as well as in legal disputes and litigation.

In short, a lawyer can provide valuable legal advice and support to ensure that your company formation in Greece is successful and compliant with local laws and regulations.

If you’re interested in starting a company in Greece or need assistance with company formation in Greece, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced lawyers and learn how we can assist you with your business needs.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Don’t try to go through the Company Formation process on your own. Seek the help of an experienced corporate lawyer to increase your chances of success and make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

What types of companies can we incorporate?

Company formation is the ideal way to grow or expand your business into Greece. Some businesses enter the country as a way to sell products or services to a new marketplace, while others use Greece as a springboard to launch operations in South America due to the linguistic and cultural similarities.

Whatever the motivation or goal, there are several legal entities in Greece that can be used to position your business for success:

The joint-stock company, which is regulated in Greece mainly by Law 2190/1920, as amended, is a pure capital company with legal personality, for whose debts it is liable only with its own property. It is always a commercial company, even when it is not trading, mainly because of the seriousness of its role in the economy.

Its main elements are:

  1. It requires a share capital of at least EUR 24 000 for its establishment.
  2. The share capital is divided into shares and the shareholders have limited liability.
  3. Strict publicity conditions are observed from its establishment and for as long as it lasts.
  4. It has two bodies, the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors, which decide by majority vote.

The legal establishment of a joint stock company requires a statute, publication in the Official Gazette, registration in the Register of Joint Stock Companies and an operating licence from the competent authority if the capital exceeds EUR 3 million. A limited liability company may also be a one-person company.

Legal guidance on the establishment and operation of a SE is necessary, in particular on issues relating to the constitution and statutory rules governing the general meeting and the board of directors, while particular attention should be paid to the tax treatment of the legal entity, its shareholders and members of its board of directors.

The corporate form of the Private Limited Company emerged from the need to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the country and to promote entrepreneurship, being an evolution of the Limited Liability Company. The private limited company is a capital company with legal personality and is liable for its debts with its property (excluding guarantee contributions). It is always commercial, but certain activities are excluded from its scope (banking, insurance, sports, etc.).

Its main elements are:

  1. It requires a minimum capital of one (1€) euro for its establishment.
  2. The partnership capital is divided into shares corresponding to the contribution of each partner.
  3. The contribution may be a capital contribution, but may also be an extra-capital or guarantee contribution.
  4. It has a fixed duration (12 years, unless otherwise specified).
  5. It has two governing bodies, the General Meeting of Partners and the Administrator.

A simple private document (articles of association) is required for the establishment of the ICE, which is filed with “One-Stop Services” and is published on the website of the General Commercial Registry and not in the Government Gazette.

The Private Company, which may be a one-person company, can be established in a fast-track procedure (in theory in one day), and the same applies to its taxation as for the PE

The Limited Liability Company, regulated in Greece by Law 3190/1955, is a capital company with legal personality and certain personal elements. Only its property is liable for its debts without limitation and it is always considered a commercial company.

Its main elements are:

  1. It requires a corporate capital of at least EUR 4,500 for its incorporation, which may also consist of a contribution in kind (e.g. real estate) following a valuation.
  2. The share capital is divided into shares and the shareholders have limited liability.
  3. There is no state control and supervision as in public limited companies
  4. It has two bodies, the General Meeting of the partners and the manager (or managers), who need not be a partner.

In order to legally establish a PE, a statute is required, which must at a minimum include the statutory requirements, publication in the Gazette and registration in the Register of PEs. The SPE may also be a one-person company. The choice of personal details and their inclusion in a PE is regulated (within the limits of the law) by its articles of association.

The areas of most frequent legal interest – particularly in comparison with a private limited company – are the general meeting of the partners and issues relating to the managers, shares and taxation of the PE.

A limited partnership is a partnership with legal personality in which two types of partners are required to co-exist: general partners, to whom the same rules apply as to the partners of a general partnership, and limited partners.

The limited partners are equal to the general partners as regards the internal relations of the partnership (participation in profits, contributions, etc.), but are liable for the debts of the partnership only up to the value of their contribution in the worst-case scenario. However, they may not represent the company and their name may not be included in the company’s name. If these prohibitions are violated, the limited partner is liable as a general partner (unlimited and joint and several).

In all other respects (formation, taxation, commercial status, etc.) the same applies as for general partnerships.

As a rule, a civil partnership is a personal company and has no legal personality. However, it can acquire one when it pursues an economic purpose and complies with the prescribed conditions of publicity.

Its main characteristic is the non-distribution of profits to the partners at the end of the financial year. The profits must be reinvested in the company in order to promote its objectives, which are set out in its articles of association.

When a civil partnership has no legal personality, it is set up informally, without publicity and cannot go bankrupt. When it does, however, it is treated by law like general and limited partnerships except for bankruptcy, which in the case of a civil partnership with legal personality simply results in the dissolution of the company.

Deciding on the right type of company for your business can be challenging, but our experienced team of lawyers can help guide you through the process and ensure that your company formation in Greece is successful.

If you’re ready to start your business journey in Greece or have any questions about company formation in Greece, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of lawyers is ready to assist you and provide the legal support you need to succeed.

Establishing a Private Company can be a feasible and the easier way to start a business in Greece.

There are several advantages that the Private Companies (PC – IKE)  represent in comparison with other types of Greek companies (in terms of legal entities). Some of them are listed below:

Zero capital requirements (it is not compulsory to have a certain amount of capital.

  • Quick establishment with minimum expenses and simplified procedure.
  • Provided the Articles comply with the requirements of the Law, they may be drafted accordingly to suit the particular needs of a type of business as well as of its members, enabling the company to be shaped either closer to a partnership or closer to a Societe Anonyme.
  • Very flexible corporate form (meetings can be held through teleconference and abroad, any amendments and changes are made by a private agreement).
  • Corporate documentation may also be drafted in any official EU language.
  • Only the manager and the sole member (in case of a single-member PC) are subject to compulsory registration at the local insurance organization.

The process of incorporating a company can be very long, expensive and, ultimately, exhausting. International businesses and entreprenerial ex-pats are often unaware of specific regulations set by Capital Companies Act or the Mercantile Register Regulations. This can lead to unforeseen hurdles and complications that delay your market entry, first-mover advantage or even drain your start-up capital.

A lawyer will guide you through the company incorporation process, whether it’s a Limited or Public Limited Company, and make the bureaucracy much simpler. A legal professional has the expert knowledge and practical experience to make the process faster, more affordable and more efficients. For example, a highly-qualified lawyer has regular interactions with Greece’s various public administrations and can glide through the unique requirements and questions, which often complicate the procedure for those unfamiliar with officials. 

Even if you successful navigate the corporation process, the Mercantile Register is quick to reject the registration of deeds of incorporated companies. Their meticulous approach will flag any small formal errors and delay the process. A professional lawyer will have the experience to avoid any errors, large or small, to ensure your business gets to market as quickly as possible.

Another benefit of appointing a lawyer when forming a company is Power of Attorney. A company or director can grant legal authority to a lawyer and empowered them to act on their behalf when the officials require someone to appear in person for a particular process. This helps the business save on the cost, time and hassle of traveling to Greece for bureaucratic processes.

The team at Lexidy LegalTech Boutique has years of experience working all clients the world over and their company formation needs. We regularly work with businesses of all sizes throughout the country’s economic centers to position new entreprises for success.

Company Formation in Greece with Eleni Maderaki

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“Opening a company in Greece can be complicated, but Eleni will help you understand the process.

  • Minimum capital of 1€ 
  • Obtaining a Greek TIN number
  • Open a Greek bank account
Quality Life for You and Your Business

Why Greece?

Opening a company in Greece can offer a strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Americas, making it an attractive option for companies looking to expand their operations globally. Additionally, Greece offers a stable economy, a highly skilled workforce, a competitive tax system, and a supportive business environment, making it an excellent choice for entrepreneurs and businesses seeking growth and success.


Cultural immersion

Experience the rich Greek culture.

Strategic location

Explore Europe without visa restrictions.

Stable economy

Greece has a stable and growing economy

Delicious cuisine

Taste world-renowned Greek food and wine.

Affordable living

Cost of living is lower compared to other European countries.

Healthcare access

Access to high-quality healthcare facilities and services.

Skilled workforce

Greece has a highly skilled and multilingual workforce

Access to funding

a variety of financing options available for businesses of all sizes

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, as long as two thirds (2/3) of the total number of company shares of the IKE accept to be transformed, among other requirements. If you want further info don’t bother to contact us.

The only restriction imposed by the law is that the exercise of activities for which another type of company has been exclusively designated by law is prohibited (e.g. banking or insurance activities are only permitted by a limited liability company).

The founders of a Private company (IKE) might be:

  • Natural persons
  • Legal Persons

Natural Persons could be:

  • Greek citizens

In that case they should hold an identity card and their Tax Identification Number.

  • EU citizens

In that case they should hold an identity card or valid passport in order to obtain a TIN number. 

  • Non EU citizens

In that case they should have a valid passport and it is not a prerequisite to hold a residence permit even if they wish to be the company’s managers

Legal Persons could be:

  • EU registered legal persons
  • For non EU registered legal persons

General requirements

The founding members may be natural or legal persons. Natural persons should have attained the age of eighteen (18).

 The statutory seat of a private capital company is located in the Municipality of the Greek territory referred to in its statutes. A private capital company can establish branches, agencies or other forms of secondary establishment in other areas of Greece or abroad.

The seat of the company is in the municipality determined in its Articles, and the effective management may be abroad. Furthermore, the PC may transfer its seat to any other member state of the European Economic Area.

According to the law, all kinds of contributions are divided into shares of the same nominal value. However, only one type of contribution can correspond to each shareholder. The partners can choose a company that consists of capital contributions or a company with predominant personal contributions, such as employee contributions and undertaking responsibility for the debts of the company. In any case, in an IKE there must be at least one shareholding which represents the capital contribution.

The transfer of shares can take place throughout the founder’s lifetime or by an act of last will. However, a partner with non-capital contributions and/ or guarantees may not transfer these shares unless they are first purchased by the shareholder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Team

For us, Lexidy is a way of life and what excites us the most is to be able to deliver the happiness and satisfaction of a successful Company Formation Process. We want to help you achieve your goals and dreams, whether it’s residence in Greece or simply opening your company.