Tax ID Number (TIN) in Greece

Get assistance with Getting the Tax ID number in Greece with the help of our expert Lawyers

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What is the Tax ID Number in Greece?

The Tax ID  is a number that identifies individuals and legal entities in Greece. The “Arithmos Forologikou Mitroou”, or AFM, is a fiscal number that is used throughout Greece to pay taxes, work and study. It’s a unique number that tax authorities use and all foreign companies are required to have one if they plan to operate within Greek territory.

Also known as AFM number, the Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a nine-digit code that plays a pivotal role in numerous routine processes in Greece, including creating a bank account, purchasing a property or filling tax returns.

In Greece, the requirement to apply for a Tax ID number, which is the Greek Personal Tax Identification Number (TIN), applies to a wide range of individuals and entities, including:

  1. Greek Citizens: All Greek citizens need to have a Tax ID .

  2. Foreign Residents: Foreign individuals living in Greece, including residents and non-residents for tax purposes, must obtain a Tax ID if they engage in taxable activities in the country.

  3. Foreigners Owning Property: Non-Greek individuals who own property or assets in Greece, such as real estate, bank accounts, or businesses, often need to acquire a Tax ID.

  4. Employees and Employers: Both employees and employers require a Tax ID number for income tax and social security purposes.

  5. Business Owners: Individuals who operate businesses in Greece, whether Greek or foreign, need a Tax ID number for tax and business-related matters.

  6. Beneficiaries of Income: If you receive income from Greek sources, such as rental income, dividends, or interest, you may need to have an Tax ID number.

  7. Legal Entities: Companies, partnerships, and other legal entities doing business in Greece also obtain a tax identification number for tax compliance.

  8. International Individuals and Entities: Non-Greek residents and foreign entities engaging in financial or commercial activities in Greece might need an AFM to fulfill their tax obligations.

Please note that the specific requirements and procedures for obtaining a Tax ID number may vary based on individual circumstances and the type of activities you’re involved in. It’s advisable to consult with the Greek tax authorities or a legal or tax professional for guidance tailored to your situation.

To obtain an AFM number (Greek Personal Tax Identification Number) in Greece, you typically need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Tax Office (DOY): You must go to the local Tax Office (called “ΔΟΥ” in Greek) that corresponds to your place of residence or the location where you conduct business. Find the nearest Tax Office to you, as the process generally involves a face-to-face application.

  2. Complete the Application Form: At the Tax Office, request the application form for the AFM. You’ll need to fill out this form, providing personal and contact information, as well as details about your tax status, such as whether you are a Greek citizen or a foreign resident.

  3. Provide Required Documentation: Along with the completed application form, you’ll usually need to submit various documents, which can vary depending on your situation. Commonly required documents include:

    • Proof of identity (passport, Greek ID card, or residence permit for foreign nationals).
    • Proof of address (utility bill or rental agreement).
    • For employed individuals, a copy of your employment contract.
    • For business owners, documents related to your business, such as the business registration certificate.
  4. Pay Any Fees: There may be a fee associated with obtaining your AFM. Ensure you inquire about the current fee structure and make the necessary payment.

  5. Wait for Processing: The Tax Office will process your application, and you’ll receive your AFM number once it’s ready. The waiting time can vary, but it’s typically not very long.

  6. Use Your AFM: Once you receive your AFM number, you can start using it for various financial and administrative purposes, such as opening a bank account, conducting business, or filing taxes.

Please note that the specific requirements and procedures for obtaining an AFM may change over time, so it’s advisable to contact the Greek tax authorities or the local Tax Office for the most up-to-date information and to clarify any specific requirements based on your situation. Additionally, seeking assistance from a Greek tax professional or legal advisor can be beneficial, especially if you’re dealing with complex tax matters.

The specific documents you need to obtain an AFM number (Greek Personal Tax Identification Number) in Greece can vary depending on your individual circumstances, such as whether you are a Greek citizen, a foreign resident, or a business owner. However, here are some common documents that may be required during the application process:

  1. Proof of Identity:

    • Greek Citizens: Greek ID card.
    • Foreign Residents: Passport and residence permit or long-term visa.
  2. Proof of Address:

    • A utility bill (e.g., electricity, water, or gas) in your name showing your current address.
    • Rental agreement or property ownership documents.
  3. Employment Documents (if applicable):

    • For employees, a copy of your employment contract or work certificate from your employer.
    • For business owners, additional documents related to your business may be required, such as business registration certificates.
  4. Business-Related Documents (if applicable):

    • If you are involved in business activities, you may need to provide documents related to your business, such as the business’s tax registration number, business licenses, and registration certificates.
  5. Additional Documentation for Specific Situations:

    • In some cases, additional documentation might be required. For example, if you receive income from specific sources like rental income, investment income, or dividends, you may need to provide documentation related to these income sources.
  6. Application Form: Complete the AFM application form, which you can obtain at the local Tax Office where you are applying.

  7. Payment Receipt: Some applications may require payment of a fee, so you should have proof of payment.

You need a Tax ID number (Greek Personal Tax Identification Number) for several reasons:

  1. Taxation: The primary purpose of the Tax ID is to identify you for tax purposes. It is used by the Greek government to track your income, assets, and financial transactions to ensure that you are in compliance with Greek tax laws.

  2. Employment: If you work in Greece, your employer will require your AFM to withhold the correct amount of income tax and social security contributions from your salary.

  3. Financial Transactions: You need a Tax ID to open a bank account in Greece. Additionally, when conducting various financial transactions, such as buying property or a vehicle, the Tax ID is used to calculate and collect the appropriate taxes and fees.

  4. Business Activities: If you own or operate a business in Greece, you will need a Tax ID for tax reporting, business registration, and compliance with various financial and legal requirements.

  5. Property Ownership: Whether you’re a Greek citizen or a foreign resident, having a Tax ID is often required for property-related transactions, including buying, selling, or inheriting real estate.

  6. Legal Obligations: The Tax ID number is necessary for fulfilling legal obligations, such as filing income tax returns, paying property taxes, and meeting other tax-related responsibilities.

In summary, the Tax ID number is a crucial identification number for individuals and entities in Greece, as it is closely tied to taxation, financial transactions, and legal compliance. Without an AFM, you may encounter difficulties in managing your financial affairs, conducting business, and fulfilling your tax obligations. Therefore, obtaining and using your AFM is essential for your financial and legal well-being in Greece.

At Lexidy, our team of skilled lawyers specializes in simplifying the Tax ID number application process in Greece. We provide expert guidance on documentation, compliance, and troubleshooting, making your journey towards legal and financial compliance a breeze. 

Whether you’re a Greek citizen, a foreign resident, or a business owner, we’re here to streamline the process. Contact Lexidy today to secure your Tax ID number efficiently, ensuring a smooth path to meeting your tax and legal obligations in Greece.

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How can a lawyer help me with the Tax ID number in Greece?

At Lexidy, our dedicated team of lawyers can provide comprehensive assistance to help you obtain your Tax ID number in Greece smoothly and efficiently. Here’s how our legal expertise can benefit you in the AFM application process:

  1. Expert Guidance: Our experienced lawyers possess an in-depth understanding of Greek tax laws and administrative procedures, ensuring that you adhere to all necessary requirements for Tax ID application.

  2. Document Preparation: We will assist you in gathering and organizing the required documents, including proof of identity, proof of address, and any additional paperwork specific to your situation.

  3. Accurate Application: We’ll help you complete the Tax ID application forms accurately, reducing the likelihood of errors that might cause application rejections or delays.

  4. Tax Compliance: Our legal team will provide guidance on tax matters and help ensure you meet your tax obligations, including income tax reporting and other relevant taxes tied to your Tax ID.

  5. Troubleshooting: If any complications or issues arise during the application process, Lexidy’s lawyers will step in, resolve them, and navigate any legal or administrative obstacles on your behalf.

  6. Communication with Authorities: We can act as your representatives and communicate with the Greek tax authorities, addressing inquiries and providing necessary clarifications.

  7. Timely Updates: You’ll receive regular updates on the status of your AFM application, ensuring that it is processed efficiently.

  8. Legal Expertise: In cases where legal matters intersect with the Tax ID process, such as real estate transactions or business operations, Lexidy’s legal professionals can offer additional legal insights and support.

  9. Peace of Mind: Having Lexidy’s lawyers by your side provides peace of mind, knowing that seasoned legal professionals are overseeing your AFM application to prevent common pitfalls and issues.

With Lexidy’s support, you can streamline the Tax ID application process, navigate potential setbacks, and secure your Tax ID number confidently, contributing to your legal and financial compliance in Greece. Contact us today to begin your journey towards obtaining your Tax ID number hassle-free.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Our law firm has helped numerous clients successfully deal with the Tax ID number in Greece.

Frequently Asked Questions

An AFM number is a unique identification code used for tax and financial purposes in Greece. It is often required for various financial transactions, legal obligations, and administrative processes.

AFM numbers are required for Greek citizens, foreign residents, individuals conducting financial transactions in Greece, business owners, and anyone engaging in taxable activities in the country.

To obtain an AFM number, you typically need to visit your local Tax Office, complete the application forms, provide necessary documentation, and pay any associated fees. The exact process may vary based on your specific situation.

Commonly required documents include proof of identity (e.g., ID card or passport), proof of address, employment contracts (if applicable), and additional paperwork based on your situation.

Yes, there may be a fee associated with obtaining an AFM. The fee can vary, so it’s essential to check the current fee structure at your local Tax Office.

The AFM number is primarily used for tax purposes, enabling the Greek government to track income, assets, and financial transactions to ensure compliance with tax laws.

Yes, lawyers with expertise in Greek tax law can provide valuable assistance in the AFM application process, ensuring accuracy and compliance, resolving issues, and providing legal expertise if needed.

Without an AFM number, you may encounter difficulties in conducting financial transactions, opening bank accounts, fulfilling legal obligations, and accessing certain public services in Greece.

Yes, the AFM number serves as the Greek tax identification number (TIN), and both terms are often used interchangeably.

The AFM number is confidential, and Greece has tax treaties and agreements in place with various countries to share tax information when necessary. However, such sharing is typically done in accordance with international standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

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For us, Lexidy is a way of life and what excites us the most is to be able to deliver the happiness and satisfaction of tax related processes. We want to help you achieve your goals and dreams of relocating to Greece with tax efficiency.