Work Holiday Visa Italy

Achieve Work Holiday Visa in Italy with the help of our expert lawyers.

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What is a Working Holiday Visa and why is it important?

The Working Holiday Visa (WHV) was created as part of a series of bilateral agreements between Italy and the countries of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, to give young foreigners the chance to develop a deeper understanding of Italian culture, language, and lifestyle by allowing them to stay in Italy for up to 365 days; with the opportunity of working for an Italian employer during their stay.

There are 3 main requirements if you are Canadian, that are:

  • You have to be between 18 and 35 on the date of application;
  • You have to be a Canadian citizen and hold a current Canadian passport.
  • You have to be legally resident in Canada

For Australians, there are 4 main requirements:

  • be an Australian citizen and legal resident;
  • hold a current Australian passport;
  • be between 18 and 35 years old;
  • not have previously obtained a WHV to Italy

For New Zealanders, there are 4 main requirements to get the Working Holiday Visa in Italy:

  • be between 18 and 30 years old, inclusive, at the time of application;
  • Be a citizen and legal resident of New Zealand
  • not have previously obtained a WHV to Italy
  • Satisfy the visa officer that his/her primary intention is to holiday in Italy, with employment being an incidental rather than a primary reason for the visit;
Before coming to Italy (Working Holiday Visa):
  • Gathering of documents (Case by case): First step is to gather all the necessary documents you will need for this visa. 
  • Documents Review: Second step is to review that the documents are correct and have all the necessary information.
  • The visa application before the Consulate: After all documents are reviewed and you are elegible to apply, the consulate will have approximately 10 days to decide. 
After you arrive in Italy (Working Holiday Permit of Stay):
  • Submit the request at Questrura: You will have 8 days after your arrival in Italy to submit your request at Questrura.
  • Issuance of temporary permit: Once you have submitted the request, you will receive a temporary recidence permit. 
  • Issue of final permit: After everything is completed, you will receive the final recidence permit. This can take around 40 to 60 days. 

If you are from Canada, Australia or New Zealand and are thinking to get the Italian Working Holiday Visa,  get in touch with our Italian immigration lawyers and we will help you with every step. If you have any additional questions to learn more about our services that can help you get your Italian visa, contact us now for a free consultation of your case!

Contact Us

To request a free consultation case, please provide us with your contact details below and we will contact you via email or phone.

How can a lawyer help with Italian Working Holiday Visa?

The Visa Application process is quite long and tedious, having a lawyer help you is highly beneficial as you’ll have someone to guide you through the process and verify every document before submission. That will definitely increase your chances of receiving an approval. 

In addition to that, help from a  lawyer will be essential to navigate the complex Italian bureaucratic system when you’ll have to apply for the Permit of Stay, the document which allows you to stay in the country for the duration of your Visa.

At Lexidy, we will be at your side in each step of the journey. Gathering the documents, reviewing them and making sure they are correct, applying for the visa and all related steps to get this visa. Contact us today to start your journey in this amazing country!

What Our Clients Are Saying

Don’t try to go through the Italian Working Holiday Visa process on your own. Seek the help of an experienced Immigration lawyers to increase your chances of success and make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Quality Life for You and Your Family

Why Italy?

Italy is a country that is rich in culture, history, and stunning landscapes. Obtaining a Working Holiday Visa provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the Italian way of life, experience world-renowned cuisine, learn a new language, and explore the rest of Europe without restrictions. 

Additionally, Italy offers affordable living, high-quality healthcare, and education opportunities. Whether you are looking for a new adventure, retirement destination, or business opportunities, Italy has something to offer. So why not take the first step in living la dolce vita by obtaining the Citizenship in Italy?

Cultural immersion

Experience the rich Italian culture.

Strategic location

Explore Europe without visa restrictions.

Stable economy

Italy has a stable and growing economy

Delicious cuisine

Taste world-renowned Italian food and wine.

Affordable living

Cost of living is lower compared to other European countries.

Healthcare access

Access to high-quality healthcare facilities and services.

Skilled workforce

Italy has a highly skilled and multilingual workforce

Access to funding

a variety of financing options available for businesses of all sizes

Frequently Asked Questions

No, being employed in Italy is not mandatory. It is allowed so that young foreigners can support themselves while they’re here or gain new skills. That being said, you can spend your time in Italy studying the language or touring the best “trattorie”!

No, foreign citizens who wish to participate in the bilateral exchange program must obtain the necessary visa before leaving their country of origin. They cannot apply for their visa once in Italy.

No, in order to be able to pursue your education in Italy you’ll have to apply for a specific study-related Visa (Student Visa). Don’t worry, though, we can absolutely help you with that!

No, the Working Holiday Visa  doesn’t allow family reunification. Keep in mind that minor children are also not allowed to be included in the application.

Canada: The WHV cannot be renewed but you can apply again once after going back to Canada.

Australia & New Zealand: The WHV can only be issued once, so it is not possible to reapply.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Team

Giancarlo Ostetto

Giancarlo Ostetto

Lawyer, Head of Milan Office
Alessia Peschiera

Alessia Peschiera


For us, Lexidy is a way of life and what excites us the most is to be able to deliver the happiness and satisfaction of a successful Process. We want to help you achieve your goals and dreams, whether it’s Italian citizenship or simply moving to Italy.